An SD‐WAN has several advantages over a traditional WAN.
✓ Simplified WAN:
- Rapid deployment and automation
- Quality‐of‐Service (QoS) that adjusts with automated link and capacity monitoring
- Scalable secure communications over any transport
- Management and orchestration that can be cloud delivered or on‐premise
✓ 精简的 WAN :
- 自动化的快速部署
- 感知网络状态,实现 QoS 动态调整
- 可伸缩的安全传输层设计
- 部署及管理过程可实现云端交付
✓ Efficient WAN utilization:
- Unification of all available WAN links to provide aggregate capacity
- Distributed, cloud‐based services with simple policy‐based insertion
✓ 高效的网络利用率
- 可以复用所有 WAN 链路,实现带宽倍增
- 新增网络服务方便,支持分布式架构
✓ Assured application performance:
- Forwarding based on real‐time evaluation of WAN characteristics, including quality and capacity of the link
- Dynamic reactions to meet business policy based on performance or security criteria
- Active‐Active support to provide subsecond reaction to WAN blackouts or brownouts so that application flow can be continued
✓ 高性能服务
- 实时监测 WAN 链路质量,动态优化包转发路径
- 闭环状态反馈,满足业务级别的性能和安全要求
- 提供亚秒级别的 WAN 链路容灾切换,完全不影响用户应用
✓ Highly available WAN:
- A physical transport‐independent overlay for managing user connectivity and experience to different applications
- Greater flexibility in choosing and changing service providers
- Faster provisioning times and automated configurations
- Delivery of performance and security for on‐premise and cloud applications. No backhaul performance penalty
✓ 高可靠服务
- 为用户应用提供,独立于底层传输层的网络性能保证
- 用户可以随意切换网络供应商
- 平台配置简单快速
- 消除了 backhaul 性能损耗,不论是云端应用或者本地应用性能都得以保证
✓ MSP ready:
- Central management and troubleshooting of complex customer environments
- MSPs move from connectivity play to service delivery offerings
- Elimination of expensive truck rolls and lengthy deployment cycles
✓ Manage Service Provider 托管服务友好
- 为复杂的用户环境,提供集中化管理和故障排查
- 实现持续交付的服务
- 缩短部署周期